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Keeping Workplaces Clean Between Scheduled Cleanings

Most workplaces schedule a commercial cleaning provider like Cross Town Cleaning to service their location at least once per week. A lot of people think this is enough, but there are things that you and your employees can do every day that not only keep a workplace tidy but also healthier. Here are a few suggestions of what you can ask your employees to do most days.

Make sure to minimize clutter on desks and other work surfaces.

Ask your employees to take a minute at the end of their day to put things in drawers or whatever place they use to organize things. This will keep work surfaces clear of clutter and reducs areas were dust, allergens and germs can hide. And it will make your scheduled cleaning service more effective when they come.

Have a designated area for people to eat and keep it clean.

Even the most careful eaters usually leave some trail of crumbs behind. Traces of meals look messy, can be unsanitary and may attract critters. If you designate an area for people to eat, it will be easier for them to share the responsibility of wiping down counters and tables every day and avoiding unwanted visitors.

Make it easy for employees to keep things clean and sanitized.

Make sure screen wipes for computers and sanitary wipes to disinfect commonly used surfaces are available. And providing organizers to consolidate wires and cords reduces the opportunities for dust bunnies to accumulate.

Check the Restrooms

Ask your employees to rinse out sinks and pick up things like pieces of paper towels that fall to the floor.

Sweep & Vacuum

If your workspace is small, pick up a broom or run the vacuum once or twice a week. This keeps floors looking nice and is especially important to protect floors in winter when salt and grit can accumulate. As a side benefit, if you are an owner or in management, do this yourself! Seeing you pitch in will show that you’re not asking too much when you suggest the steps we’ve listed above.

Contact us for more tips on maintain a clean and sanitary workplace. You will also find more information about our processes and all our cleaning and sanitizing services.

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